Qron Calc Macro for Confluence Cloud Home



'Qron Calc Macro' makes you be able to embed MS-Excel formulas into standard Confluence Tables

You can use a lot of Excel formulas, such as SUM(A1:E2), COUNTIF(A1:E2, ">5").

What's New

The latest version is 1.1.18-ac

  • Improved: show a formula in a page edit mode

Release notes of Qron Calc Macro for Confluence Cloud

How to use

It is straightforward. 

You only put 'Qron Calc Macro' on Confluence standard table, then enter a formula in the macro body.

and also you can set optionally numeric format, text alignment, text style.

Given a formula "sum(b1:b5)" and a format for accounting section and emphasized style will be displayed like a following.

Here are Live examples.

Mode and Functionality


Calculating mode

 Freeze mode


In calculating mode, calc macros recalculate on every displaying, but it will take a long time.

This mode is default.

In freeze mode, it can display calculated values faster.

However, not recalculated after modifying values in the table.

To update to the latest status, you need to recalculate by hand.

(info) When exporting as PDF, you had better be 'Freeze mode'.



By hand

Push 'Recalculate' button in the popup dialog.

  • (warning) 'Recalculate' button will be displayed in ByLine dialog when the document is updated after the last calculation

Display performanceSlowerFaster
PDF ready(error)(tick)
Switching mode

To freeze mode

To calculating mode

Sheet reference

Refer cells in other table using the following notation.

<Sheet number>!<R1><C1>:<R2><C2>

<Sheet number> ← sequential number from the top table which starts from 1

<Rx> ← row number which starts from 1

<Cx> ← column string which starts from A


  • Header row and column are removed from the calculation field.

Supported Formulas

Supported formulas (389 formulas)


  • (warning) can't switch to calculating/freeze mode
    • (lightbulb) workaround: copy the page to new page

Help desk

Visit our support desk if you have any troubles, questions.

Public Issue Tracker

Issue Tracker (and Questions & Answers)


  • Before exporting PDF, make a page freeze-mode
  • IFERROR function doesn't work correctly when being evaluated with false
    • display error message such as '#DIV/0!'
  • TEXT function doesn't work correctly
    • difference: TEXT(ABS(A1),"0.00E+00")
      • Excel → 1.23E+08
      • The app → +123456789.00000